Alas I did not go to Debconf 10 which looked like everyone had a blast, congratulations to the organisers. Nor will I be able to attend the traditional Steve McIntyre BBQ at the weekend, hope everyone has fun.
On the other hand I have managed to take a family holiday in sunny Brittany...
OK perhaps sunny is pushing it, we did have several nice days last week which we spent on the Le Pouldu plages but this week has been more challenging.
Fortunately the camp site where we are staying has reasonable bandwidth so I can continue to waste time online.
This has given me time to look at some Debian packaging. Specifically the mingw32-runtime packages. Their maintainer seems to be unwilling to allow an updated version to be uploaded despite there being numerous upstream releases since the last packaged release in 2007.
The packaging manual makes it clear that hijacking is not permitted and I discover my desire for having a huge, unhelpful argument about maintaining a package is non existent.
I guess when I have my updated packages available I will maybe announce them but its not the same. I guess this is one of those problems with being a Debian maintainer, we all have to rub along even with decisions we disagree with. Hmm thought I had more to say on the subject ...perhaps next time.
Anyway must go and entertain the kids for an hour or two, maybe go to the beach in the rain, hell they cannot get any soggier ;-)